OS222: Operating Systems 2022-2

By Arkan Alexei Andrei



Be Precise

I believe that the OS course is precise and methodical. Hence, you must pay extra attention to every single detail as instructed by Mr. RMS and TAs.

Do NOT Procrastinate

OS has a strict deadline of exactly 1 week for each task. Use this time wisely and do your assignments as early as you can to prevent errors or recklessness.

Frequently Log Your Activities

Trust me, it adds up!

Check SCeLE Often

Be prepared by checking the forums often. Or pray that you are not in ATTN :)

Find another Hugo in your class

Can’t stress how much this particular friend helped me with my OS course from tutorials to troubleshooting. I hereby dedicate arkanalexei.com/os222/TIPS/ as a sign of my gratitude to you ! Hugo’s OS222 Page

© 2022 — Arkan Alexei Andrei — Version: 0027–09-Sep-2022.